Our latest thoughts, news and experiences on all things wellbeing and travel are here in our wellbeing blogs. We have an excellent section of blogs from our wide range of contributors including nutrition experts, Yoga teachers, personal trainers and a former international athlete to keep you informed and entertained.

Top tips for a trim tummy

One of the things we hear most often at Inspirit Retreat is “I want a flatter stomach.” That’s part of what we work on in Portugal, but there are five simple things you can start doing right now to lose that belly bulge and start looking more toned.

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Losing weight – how to win Inspirit Retreat Expert Wellbeing Support

Most people fail with their weight loss goals, even after extreme dieting. Often, the diets which give the biggest initial improvement actually give the greatest weight gain in the following months.

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Having your cake and eating it

At Inspirit Retreat, our ethos is different. Healthy eating matters but it’s a question of balance, and we’re lucky to be based in a region where the local cuisine makes it easy to prepare excellent nutritious food. The meals we serve are tailored to each guest and do get results, but they’re intended first and foremost to be enjoyed.

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Breakfasting Bad About Inspirit retreat Expert Nutrition

There’s still a surprising amount of confusion over what you do need to do with the first meal of the day – and some mainstream views are by no means ones we’d agree with here at Inspirit Retreat.

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Accentuate the positive

Here at Inspirit Retreat we don’t believe in bootcamps or extreme diets. Sure, they might help make you fitter for a while and lose a few pounds, but what then? We meet a lot of people who are making big efforts to exercise and eat sensibly, and yet they’re still struggling with the same destructive habits and are really unhappy with their body and health.

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Healthy mind, healthy body Inspirit Retreat Expert Wellbeing Support

A lot of the most important changes in the body have to start in the mind. At Inspirit Retreats in Portugal, we spend a lot of time working on people’s mindsets. Bootcamps are all very well for burning off a few pounds before putting them back on again – but real, lasting change is all about new perspectives.

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One more cup of coffee

Like most people, we love coffee and think it makes the world a better place. But as fitness and wellbeing experts, we have to take a professional view too.

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Negative needs Inspirit Retreat About Us

“Need” can be a dangerous word. Many of our clients come to us because they “need” to lose weight. They’re obsessed with that stubborn belly fat, those flabby arms, those big hips…

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Guardian angels

Over many years of working with people looking to achieve health and fitness goals, we’ve noticed that there’s something the ones who do really well all have in common: they all have great support.

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