Here at Inspirit Retreat we don’t believe in bootcamps or extreme diets. Sure, they might help make you fitter for a while and lose a few pounds, but what then? We meet a lot of people who are making big efforts to exercise and eat sensibly, and yet they’re still struggling with the same destructive habits and are really unhappy with their body and health.
Here at Inspirit Retreat we don’t believe in bootcamps or extreme diets. Sure, they might help make you fitter for a while and lose a few pounds, but what then? We meet a lot of people who are making big efforts to exercise and eat sensibly, and yet they’re still struggling with the same destructive habits and are really unhappy with their body and health.
The thing is, what’s going on in your mind is just as important – so at our retreats we spend a lot of time working on that. Three areas come up time and again.
- Work, food, relationships, lifestyle – and those other worries that just won’t go away – can cause huge amounts of stress, and when you’re stressed you’re facing an uphill battle when it comes to achieving and maintaining fitness. There’s no magic bullet on this one, but there are tools you can use with your mind just like there’s gym equipment for your body. We’ll help you find the right ones.
- Limiting self-beliefs. Most of us have them. But if we believe we’re not good enough, should be doing better, feel stupid, feel fat or whatever else, then to all intents and purposes it’s true – in our mind, at least. So the belief itself is the problem, and becomes an obstacle holding us back. At Inspirit Retreat we work with various techniques – emotional freedom therapies (EFT), hypnosis, meditation, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) etc – which can help build that all-important self-belief.
- No one’s pretending life is easy: we all have things that aren’t going our way. But if your thoughts are constantly leaning to the negative your health, mindset and body will pay for it. We can’t wave a wand and make problems disappear, but we do believe it’s worth focusing on what there is to be grateful for. Happy, positive people always seem to progress faster, and that’s what we try to achieve.
If you want to talk to us about any of this, you don’t have to wait till you reach the Algarve. Get in touch – we’re here to support you.